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    Abraham and Sarah: Heirs Together - e-book
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    Dare any of you ... go to law? - e-book
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    Christadelphian's (the name means brothers and sisters in Christ)

    The Christadelphian publishes magazines, books, and information on Bible-based topics

    We hope you enjoy your visit to our site. The Christadelphian magazine reflects the teachings, beliefs and activities of the Christadelphians - groups of believers living in most countries in the world.

    Christadelphians (the name means brothers and sisters in Christ) are a worldwide community of men and women who try to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. They are united by a shared faith based on the holy scriptures, and they look forward eagerly to the completion of God’s plan for the world and mankind – the setting up of God’s kingdom when Jesus returns to the earth as God’s appointed King.

    If you would like more detailed information about us, read a summary of our beliefs , or a more in-depth pamphlet entitled Who are the Christadelphians?.

    Today’s thought

    “Our inner nature is being renewed day by day”

    This statement by Paul in today’s readings (2 Corinthians 4:16) really sums up what we aim to achieve by reading portions of God’s word every day. Of course this depends on the spirit with which we read … Read more »

    New magazines

    Daily Bible reading

    Christadelphians aim to read the Bible every day. For the past 150 years they have used a Bible reading plan (The Bible Companion) that allows them to read the whole Bible each year. It leads a reader through the Old Testament once in a year, and the New Testament twice. You can view the day’s readings at the top of the right-hand column of this page. Alternatively, you can search the online Bible Companion here , or you can obtain paper copies from your local Christadelphians , or from our online shop.

    New releases

    Hymn Book: with music - e-book
    Hymn Book: words only - e-book
    A Light to the Gentiles
    A Light to the Gentiles - e-book
    Puzzling Passages
    Puzzling Passages - e-book
    Registering as a Charity
    Registering as a Charity - e-book
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