Contact us

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Having problems?

If, after checking the Help section, you still have questions, then there are several ways you can contact us – by telephone or fax, by email, by post, or by filling in the form below.

By telephone or fax

For all order enquiries, call +44 (0) 121 777 6328. If you wish to fax us, our fax number is +44 (0) 121 778 5024.

By email

Please note: we cannot accept orders via email.

By post

If you would prefer to contact us by post, our address is as follows:

In person

Of course, we are always pleased to welcome browsers! If you want to visit us, we are open 8.45 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, and from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturday (except UK Bank Holiday weekends).

If you're having problems with our site, or have any questions, please check our Help / FAQ section first. There is an extensive list of topics, ranging from the basics – such as how to add items to your basket, to more complicated subjects – such as troubleshooting problems with downloading or installing e-books. We have spent a lot of time to make this section helpful; checking it first may mean that you get an answer to your problem straight away, rather than having to wait for a reply!

  • For correspondence about our website or orders placed on our website, email webstore [at] thechristadelphian [dot] com .
  • For any enquiries or questions about orders placed by phone or mail, email enquiries [at] thechristadelphian [dot] com .
  • For correspondence about the magazine, together with any items and / or news for publication, email the Editor, Andrew Bramhill, at editor [at] thechristadelphian [dot] com .

The Christadelphian
404 Shaftmoor Lane
Hall Green
B28 8SZ
United Kingdom


  • For general enquiries, fill in the form below.
  • For enquiries relating to an order placed online or any issues with our site, please check our help / FAQ section first . This has answers to the most commonly-asked questions, together with hints, tips, and step-by-step instructions, to help you get the most out of our online shop. If, after checking the help section you haven’t found an answer to your question, fill in the form below.
  • If you have found a problem with the functionality of our online bookstore, and there aren’t any answers to be found in our help section, please let us know by filling in the form below, giving as much detail about the error you have encountered as possible, including what you were doing beforehand, and what computer, operating system and browser you were using.

Christadelphian Office location map (opens in a new window)

Registered Address
The Christadelphian, 404 Shaftmoor Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 8SZ
Registered charity in England and Wales (No. 240090)
A charitable company limited by guarantee
(Company No. 329186 - England and Wales)
Tel: +44 (0)121 777 6328
Fax: +44 (0)121 778 5024
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